Top 3 ways to make money with affiliate marketing – affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers 2018

So you say that it is impossible to make money online? You say that people on the internet are saying that internet marketing, and email marketing is dead? Why listen to someone who says something is bad, just so they can only pitch you on their courses later on? If you’re a beginning affiliate marketer, or you are someone who has been in the game and haven’t been able to see any profits in affiliate marketing, let me help you out. Based from my experience, here are my Top 3 Ways To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing.




YouTube is still at it’s infancy when it comes it’s stage of maturity. With the advent of YouTube Red and the increase in YouTube Ads, I believe that the fun has just begun.



Right now at the time of this article, uploading YouTube videos is free and it stays up on the platform. There is no time limit or amount of videos per channel that you can have. This can literally change at any moment.



YouTube is the number 2 source of traffic on the internet next to the number 1 source, Google. Oh but guess what? Do you know who Google owns? YouTube! No wonder they millions of hits everyday! The reason I’m telling you this is because if you create a video that provides value for your audience, you’re able to make a ton of money for free! This isn’t just theory!



I haven’t been a fan of posting any videos on YouTube for a number of years, up until the previous year or two. I really began to take it seriously at the end of 2017, and so I took a small little course on Udemy called Youtube SEO: How To Create, Rank, & Profit From YouTube Video by Christine Maisel, so that I could rank a video. I carefully followed the instructions, and was fortunate to rank a  video on a hot topic!



During that time, Pic-monkey was free and they switched their plan to a paid membership. This was big news for the internet marketing world! Pic-Monkey is like Canva, but on another level.


So I planned my video accordingly, placed an affiliate link  in the description of my video, and uploaded it. I didn’t have much expectations from my work on this video. The results of the video is below (at the time of this posting):


get more youtube views - picmonkey no longer free 3000


In case you cannot see that, in the picture under the red arrow, it is showing that this video has 3,297 views as of March 2018. The funny part is that I didn’t even check my results for days after creating the video because I didn’t think it was going to do much! I posted videos before. As a matter of fact, many times…with no results. Once I saw that I was getting a lot of views, I was freaked out! It actually worked! You want to hear something else funny?



The affiliate link I posted in the description was something else I didn’t check for a few days. All of a sudden, I received an email from Share-a-Sale (an immaculate affiliate program. signup for free) saying that I needed to update my billing information so I can receive commissions checks. I did this and whaddayaknow…I had money sitting in my account built up from purchases made from my affiliate link on my video! It worked!


Now, it wasn’t hundreds of dollars (not yet, at least), but it was a little over $40. This was enough to let me know that affiliate marketing with YouTube videos was a real thing. Do you think I take YouTube marketing seriously now? You bet!


Here is the actual video that I created. Please make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel:



Blogs + Social Media (pinterest)

Blogging has become something that has gained a ton of momentum over the previous 1-2 years. If you haven’t started a blog yet, go start one now. It’s essential to today’s business. As customers on the internet get more internet savvy, the old tricks of putting up a corny website for an affiliate product is not working. Times change and so must your tactics with affiliate marketing.


Whenever you see a product or you want to check the legitimacy of someone, what is the first thing you do during today’s era? *Answer – you check out the website to see if they are the real deal or not. If there isn’t a website about what you’re searching for, chances are that you dismiss it as not being the real deal.


Google has been pushing for things to be more content driven for years and now they finally got their wish. This is why blogs are becoming more and more popular. Blogs allow you to be seen as an expert in the subject matter. A user can read content to see if they can relate to you, and the blog allows you to build fanatical relationships with the users because of the fact that you are providing so much content to help solve the user’s problem.


When you are able to solve someone’s problem, you then are seen as the expert. Because they stay on your website for extended amounts of time reading all of your articles, they are growing as a loyal fan to your brand. At this time, whatever products and services that are recommended by you in your blogs, they will eat up like how I do with hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts when the hot sign is on. If you don’t know about that, you and I can’t be real friends. 


 krispy kreme hotlight

After you get your blog going, establish yourself on social media. Post your blogs articles on Twitter and Facebook. Don’t forget YouTube! Didn’t we just speak about the power of YouTube!? Also, one of the forgotten platforms of social media is Pinterest.


Pinterest is a huge driving force for bloggers. People are always on Pinterest looking for new project ideas, articles to complete something, and tutorials galore. Did you know that the average person on Pinterest has a household income of $50,000? This means it’s an audience with money, waiting to purchase your stuff!


Pinterest is by far the most powerful tool for blogs. Very similar to YouTube, once you create pins with your blog posts, it gets circulated and it stays up on the platform forever. If it gets any type of viral traction, it will always stay in front of users of the platform. Not only do you have the chance to create pins about blog posts, but you can actually make pins that are specifically affiliate offers! None of the other social media platforms have the power like Pinterest to do this.



What if you had a blog post that fixes an issue for someone, and they come across your article on one of the social media platforms? They then land on your blog and now they become a loyal fan for life! You won’t have to worry about any Facebook algorithm changes, and you don’t have to compete with the many posts on Twitter!





If you have been following me for any time, you will know that I make it known that Fiverr is by far my most favorite platform for any affiliate marketer…beginning or seasoned, to make money from. You may not be interested in affiliate marking but you just simply want to make money with affiliate marketing. Well my friend, Fiverr will be your best friend if you hang around me. It’s almost guaranteed money.



On Fiverr, you can sell pretty much any service you offer for $5. Depending on what services you’re offering, you can charge a whole lot more. I recently saw a gig on Fiverr where the person charges $300 to write blog posts for a month, but for the sake of this blog post, let’s stick with how to 2x or 5x your profits on Fiverr by using affiliate products.I want to keep the numbers small and believable.



I have a gig that sells very well and it is a real estate product that I offer. If you haven’t read my post How I made $1,647.59 with affiliate marketing, I go into why you need to stick with WHAT YOU KNOW and have experience in, and turn that into a service when implementing some of the best affiliate marketing strategies in 2018 and beyond. Why should I make a gig in SEO when I am considered an expert Real Estate coach? It comes naturally for me.


Since I’m really good in real estate, I created multiple gigs in Fiverr based on real estate and they sell like hotcakes. After I make my sale, I also give a link to an affiliate link that involves something that a person in real estate would be interested in! Right now, I’m testing out a Clickbank product that was created by Anik Singal and Robert Kiyosaki teach passive income.



All people interested in real estate love the idea of passive income, and Robert Kiyosaki is a very trusted name. This is free traffic for my affiliate link. Now with in a matter of seconds,  you turned a $5 gig into $20 or even $40+ on the backend because the affiliate product serves as an upsell. Add in the fact that this specific product I am testing is recurring monthly profits! Now you’re really talking my language!



If you have 3-5 winning gigs on Fiverr, making $15 to $25 per day will be easy. $15 per day for 7 days is $105 for one week. For the month that is $420. Making $400+ per month is really good money! People struggle to save an extra $100 a month in the average home. Now, add the ability to add an affiliate product behind that gig. Get one or two orders with that product and your $105 can easily be $200 for that week.



These are just basic ideas on to how I use Fiverr to maximize my profits.  I’m really good at turning $5 into $100. I have that down to a science. I don’t do it as much as I used to because I don’t spend as much time on Fiverr, but when I put the Gig Ultimate Maximizer methods into practice, it works every time.


Dress Rehearsal is over, its time for the show

These methods only work as good as you make them. To be honest with you, these are the only methods you need to start making some really good money online. If you are just beginning to try to make money with affiliate marketing or you’re a struggling internet marketer, I can almost promise you that you can make profits with these methods that I just went through.


Again, these methods only work as good as you make them. Let’s do work baby! Put these methods into practice and let me know how it goes. If you haven’t made your $1 on the internet, then I want to help you make your first $1. If you haven’t gotten up to $100, then I want to help you make your first $100. You can do this!


This was a pretty lengthy post. You have done enough of reading. Now get out there, put action to everything you’ve learned, and go make some money! Don’t forget to show me some love on my social media outlets in Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest.





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