Why Every Business Should Be Starting A Blog

It is important when having a business, you make every potential customer feel great about doing business with you. This is the process of turning your cold customer into warm/hot customers and it is essential that every business should be starting a blog.

Let’s act as if we’re in a classroom for a second. I have a question for you and you have to respond. Answer this…If no one knows you or the services that you offer, how are you able to take a lead that has no idea about you, and instantly turn them into a hot lead that is ready to purchase and buy?

The answer to this question…Starting a blog!

When it comes to a person that is unfamiliar with a business, that person now-days will look that business up on the internet for research. That is why it is imperative that your business is on the internet! If you do not have any internet presence, then you’re doing yourself a GREAT disservice. If you need to know how to create a website for your business, read and follow the steps in my blog post, How To Start A Website.

A lot of mom-and-pop shops still do not have any presence on the internet. They don’t comprehend why every business needs a blog or website.I understand that people do not want to get involved with social media and such things, but we are in a world where if you want to make money (and I definitely want to make money), you have to get involved with evolving technology. There literally is no way around it.

The reason that starting a blog helps in turning a cold lead in a warm lead almost instantly, is because a blog shows content pertaining to your services. It creates good rapport and the customers now feels as if you can be trusted. When the customer feels that there is trust, they turn into hot-buyers.why every business needs a blog

Blogs bring another dimension of credibility that no other piece of information can. Everything is in one spot for the customers desires and they’re even able to see other services that you offer. You can tell from the information provided in a businesses’ blog as to whether they are professional in what they offer, or not. When starting a blog, one will quickly be able to tell if they want to do business with you after seeing the finished product.

In my blog post Why You Need A Website, I describe the necessities to laying out content such as a presentable home page, optin forms to retain your leads and potential customers, products, and of course your blog posts…among other things as well.

Being able to staring a blog alongside with your website is the golden key to unlock leveraged passive income to your business. Tons of businesses are missing out on so much money because they do not understand the growing potential of a blog.

why every business needs a blogImagine being able to keep 100 customers a month happy, as they purchase something from you every single month. That would be dope wouldn’t it? Instead, entrepreneurs and business owners are still trying to continue the model of finding a new 100 customers each month. That’s too much work! That’s like trying to meet quota with 100 new customers each month while working at a retail store! That’s pressure and stress, and I’m allergic to both:)

Sure, there are all types of business models out there to make the big bucks. I’m a digital strategist who specializes in Facebook Ads. I also do email marketing, affiliate marketing, product creations & launches, and all types of other things that bring in money. Though this is true, I will ALWAYS tell you that you need a website, need to start a blog.

There are some of the gurus out there who say Facebook ads can drive business and the needs of a blog is not necessary. I don’t believe that wholly. There has been many times where I have seen a Facebook ad that interests me, but I will only click on it after researching the person’s website and blog. EVERY BUSINESS SHOULD BE STARTING A BLOG! That is, if you want to maximize on your earning potential.

It is essential to begin the process of turning your cold leads into instant hot buying leads. Don’t make the customer feel like they are being sold…instead make them feel good about wanting to fall at your knees and beg you take their money because you offer a service for exactly what they need. This is the power of why every business needs a blog.

If you’re interested in starting a blog, I’m able to give you discounts with my affiliation through Host Gator. You can get more information on that by going to my blog post How To Start A Website. There you will get the discounts, information and step-by-step instruction to begin your successful blog/website.

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