How to setup a facebook pixel

There’s no secret that learning how to setup the Facebook pixel in 2018 is one of the key’s to success when it comes to making a boat-load ton of money because you’re driving tons of leads online. This subject alone has generated a ton of buzz over the internet and it has literally changed the game as to how online marketers see huge profits over the past 2 years. This can work for the real estate investor  or the internet marketer, but how do you set it up and why is it so important?


Why do you need the Facebook pixel? Why is it important?

I’m not going to get super detailed as to why you need the Facebook pixel because I have already driven deep into this subject on my other blog post “why you need the Facebook pixel”, but just to start off I will say that it is imperative that you will be able to integrate the Facebook pixel into almost anything that you’re doing with marketing online. You’re able to track your results and you can see what is  working and what is not working.


I have been doing some work for a huge financial company and they told me that they were not receiving any traffic on their website. I installed the Facebook pixel on their website, and I was able to prove that they received 1000s of hits per month and I was also able to show them what page received the most visitors and which pages they spent the most time on! They were astonished! This company’s problem was not that they weren’t receiving any traffic to their website, but rather they were not capturing the business of each visitor on their website.


If you couple the ability of the Facebook pixel along with other tools such as google analytics, you can absolutely CRUSH the competition. You will be able to see how long people stay on your website, what the bounce rate of your website is, from what sources is your traffic coming from before hitting your website, etc, etc. You have to become a fanatic about your metrics in order to take advantage of the Facebook pixel. It’s free, so you might as well make the most of it while it is free. You never know when things are going to change.


What does the Facebook pixel have in store for the New Year?

More and more businesses are noticing the importance of reaching out to their  customers via social media. Facebook obviously knows this and so they continue to make all types of awesome updates to their advertising structure so that more businesses can spend more money on ads. Do I think that this is bad? Of course not! This is good! The more money businesses make using Facebook’s platforms, the more business Facebook gets…and they love to make money.


Keep in mind that Facebook is always playing a fine line between advocate and judge. Facebook is a social platform and so they don’t want to infringe on the privacy and freedoms of the average user. In otherwords, John Boy wants to feel comfortable going on Facebook to see if his ex girlfriend is with another man or if she is still single…and he wants to do this without feeling SPAMMED with ads and offers. At the same time, Facebook wants you as a marketer to pour in as much money as possible so they can make money. It’s just a jolly ol’ game.


The trick to bypass all of this is learning how to use the Facebook pixel because you will have a targeted audience that has already visited your material and your product/services, therefore the person has already showed interest in you, thus you don’t have to spend money to capture an audience. You save money this way and you drastically limit your chances of getting banned from Facebook as a marketer.


Now, I’ve ranted a lot on why you need the Facebook pixel in 2018, but now let’s get to the nitty-gritty. Let me show you how to generate and install this pixel that the whole marketing world seems to  be talking about.


How to create a Facebook pixel 2018:

1) Create a Facebook Business page, if you don’t already have one.

how to setup the facebook pixel 2018 - create business page

2) Create a pixel for your account (multiple if you have business manager)

I already had created my pixel but if you have not, you will click in the upper left hand part of the Facebook ads section that I have circled, and then in the drop down menu you will click on “Pixels”. It’s in 2 difference places and you can click either one.

how to setup the facebook pixel 2018 - select pixels screenshot


3) Generate the pixel and copy the code

-You should see the little icon on your screen that says “Set up”. This is so you can generate your pixel.

how to setup the facebook pixel 2018 - create pixel-Click on the option that says “Manually install the code yourself”

how to setup the facebook pixel 2018 - manually install code screenshot


-You will then copy the code that you see on the next page. Don’t be intimidated by this code. You don’t have to manipulate it by any means. Since I already have my pixel on my website, Facebook has already verified it being Active, as you see at the bottom of the picture. After pasting your code on your website, refresh your website a few times it can seem as if traffic is being driven to your website, and Facebook and verify that your pixel is Active.

grab pixel and active pixel - how to setup the facebook pixel 2018


-The screenshot below is something that you will see after generating your code, but I put it here last because I didn’t want you worrying about install the code on your website until later. After copying the code, you will want to paste it in the coding of your website. The picture below shows that your pixel should go in the header section. There are plenty of tutorials on Youtube that teach you how to do this. It is extremely simple.


4) Paste the pixel code on your website coding. Save.

lcoate header - grab pixel and active pixel - how to setup the facebook pixel 2018

 -You can do this by yourself or you can download a plugin that can help you. Most of the times you’re not going to have a plugin if your website is not with WordPress. WordPress does make things easier, but don’t fret, if that is not what you’re using, you can still install it easily. You can use programs such as Kompozer to install it in the headers of the code.

5) check Facebook to make sure code is activated


Bonus tip – Download the chrome Facebook pixel checker and you can check any website that has the pixel installed. You’re not only able to track your website, but you can study other’s and how they use it. Analyze their funnels and see how they are tracking you.

chrome facebook pixel helper


I hope you see the importance of why you should learn how to setup a Facebook pixel in 2018. This is going to be something that is a Must-do to be successful as others gain knowledge of this information. You have a chance to be ahead of your competition. You only need to take approximately 5-10min of your free time to set this up and it can add a totally new level to your business whether it be online or offline.


If you enjoyed this blog article or you found this useful in some way, please help me out by leaving some comments below at the bottom of the article, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and follow me on social media. I would love to hear your experience in trying the things that I teach. If you have any issues or you need help, contact me. Adios!

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