Facebook Marketing

Facebook has become one of the leading vehicles to produce traffic and leads. Many have heard that facebook is a driving force of marketing, but many just have not received the revelation yet. Why should I join the facebook rave? What is so special about? It’s pretty easy to answer that question. Back in 2012, facebook would receive 24,000,000 visitors a day. That was in 2012 folks! I have not found the current number for today, but let’s just say it is at least double that. If there are 44,000,000 people coming into a portal a day, you should be able to draw 15-30 people a day for your business from the 44,000,000.

Facebook is free. I cannot emphasize on that enough. Let me say it again. FACEBOOK IS FREE!!!!! So use it! If it can generate strong leads that you can turn into money, use it. Let’s take a few minutes to look at a few simple ways to build your business with facebook.

1)Create a Fan Page
You need a fan page on facebook. No exceptions. Your personal page is cool, but it is not a fan page. There are so many advantages to having a fan page that it is not even funny. There are certain tools made available to develop your business that are not available on your personal page. You will have the ability see how many people hit your page and click on your page, you will be able to see different trends on your page, and most of important to me…you are not limited to the amount of people that connected with your page as opposed to the limitation of 5,000 friends on a personal page. Let’s not limit ourselves ladies and gentlemen. Let’s reach as much as possible

2)Posting statuses
Connect with people on facebook. But you cannot connect if you do not offer anything. Solve this by creating a list of status updates that will evoke people to check your business out. Make a list of free resources that you can recommend in your niche and offer them through your statuses, develop a list of quotes and articles from other websites that you can recommend others to gain knowledge from. Your followers will love this because you are providing something so useful and you’re doing it for free. This will go a long way with your followers. This goes back to creating the relationship that I speak about in my article about Article Marketing. After you gain trust and followers, you can begin to promote products so you can begin making money with your leads.

3 Facebook ads
Do not get intimidated by facebook ads. There are many mixed emotions on facebook ads, but the fact is that when used effectively, it simply works. You can have a small budget of $25-$50 per week and you can grow your fan page immensely. The sky is the limit if you have a few bucks to spend. You will be able to generate leads on the same day that you create your ad campaign if you are willing to invest a little in your own business. Soon, I will be creating a tutorial of how to do this to make it easy for those who have never done a facebook ad campaign. This is what the experts do to quickly generate business. It is still one of the secrets to a method of making money on the internet.

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