4 steps to make money in affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling marketers

4 steps to make money in affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers

With affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers, you hear stuff like this all of the time:


Dropshipping is dead”

“Youtube marketing is dead”

“Facebook ads is dead


I’m so fed up with people’s remarks to put-down other methods to make money online. All of this killing! Why is everything always dead?!

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The fact is that all of these methods work and they work VERY WELL. Just because they may not have worked for YOU (people who say this), doesn’t mean that they won’t work for someone else. Everyone takes a different route, but if you get at the finish line at the end, what difference does it make when it comes to the method you used to get there?


I’ve used many methods to make money online as an internet marketer, but I’m trying to perfect 1 or 2 so I can stay focused. Affiliate marketing is one of the avenues I’m perfecting because I’m focused on passive income. As long as people are purchasing and using materials, digital or physical, there will ALWAYS be a use for affiliate marketing.


After all of these gurus tell you that a specific method is dead, they will then promote a product that they are selling or using. It then makes you excited so that you can stop working on the method that you originally started with, and purchase their product. This is a BIG no-no. Trust me, be aware of this so that you don’t go spinning around in circles chasing your tail like a dog.




I’m not hating on people using the method of using review articles and review videos as a way of making money. In affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers, that’s a great technique to rake in the cash. However, that is not what I’m saying. If you’re making money, I respect it. The issue I have with these individuals is that they totally discredit an opportunity just so you can spend money on their opportunity.


To alleviate the wasted time and stress from experiencing this, I’m going to give you 4 steps to making money in affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling marketer.



Find products that you use on an everyday basis

I recently watched a video training on Tai Lopez speaking about online marketing. To my surprise, his number one thing to do when it comes to making money online is to find common household products that people use everyday. It’s not a surprise that common products are used to make money online, but it came as a surprise that Tai Lopez was teaching on this. It confirmed to me that my philosophy was right.This is one of the first things I teach in affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers to make their first dollars.


After you find something that you use on an everyday basis, do some research to see if there is a product within that product category (niche) and find something that you can be profitable from, if you were to sell it. You can go on these websites to find tons of products that are common household goods. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Do you shave with a special shaver? Is there a particular shampoo that you use? Do you have a dog that has special grooming brushes? The possibilities are endless.


Here are some sites that I personally use to find products:


Amazon has become increasingly popular. In my opinion, this isn’t just because things a re cheaper than stores or because they have just about everything you can think about available to buy, but rather it is because tons of people figured out the power of affiliate marketing. Amazon Associates is one of the most popular affiliate networks to this day.


For me, I use a mic and a web cam for my Youtube videos that I create on a weekly basis. It is a professional mic that works very well for me, and it is extremely versatile. It just so happens that Amazon offers it! So in every Youtube video, I have these two affiliate links attached to my video.




Sign up as an Amazon Associate and begin your successful track as an affiliate marketer. Amazon affiliate marketing is NOT dead. More and more people are learning about making money online. With affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers, this in fact, is just beginning.



Share-a-sale continues to surprise me. I have limited them mentally in my brain as to the things that they offer! One day I’ll be reading someone’s blog post, click on an affiliate link, and then I realize that it is a product from this Share-a-sale! They have offers such as insurance leads, apparel for men and women, digital products and digital memberships, and much more.


I’m a big advocate of this platform because they provide so much opportunity for you to make your living while generating your dollars online. I’ve seen affiliate links from Share-A-Sale on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and other forums. Just as a side note, interacting in forums for leads and sales is NOT DEAD!


Earlier I mentioned finding things for everyday use. Don’t limit yourself to only physical products or something that your kids may use. For example, I use a program called Canva and Picmonkey. Canva doesn’t have an affiliate product, but Picmonkey does!


Since I really began to promote Picmonkey through the Share-a-sale in my avenues of affiliate marketing, I’ve been able to make some pretty decent money each month. The progress continues to grow each time:)


This is a screenshot from Picmonkey sales alone, this month. I just need one more sale to get me over $100 and I have about 2 more weeks. All from a piece of content I created a while ago!


shareasale commission - affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affilaite marketers



OK, you have to hear me out on this one before you make any judgements. I can already hear all of the people reading this part of the blog post now.


“This guy is part of Amway and he’s trying to grow his team! I don’t want to be any part of that!”


Oh my friend, you couldn’t be more wrong than those people who say Dropshipping is dead.


I put down Amway as an affiliate example because I don’t want you to be stuck in a box. As entrepreneurs, we have to be creative and innovative. Despite what you may have heard from others about Amway, the fact is that their products are grade A. They offer things such as high quality health supplements, sports performance products, and even high quality make-up.


Amway also has a portal to where you can access their partnership websites with companies such as Dell, Best Buy, Shop.com, and tons of other name brand retailers. When someone goes through your link to purchase at any of these stores, you get a commission. Did you ever notice the affiliate marketing opportunity with a company like this?


There are tons of other companies that are similar to Amway out there in the network marketing world, but Amway is best at what they do. My friend approached me with a fitness opportunity where they have access to wearable-fitness apparel. I will be taking advantage of that soon.


Why would you want to be limited to the things that you can offer if people have a need for it? My mom would purchase deodorant from Avon on a monthly basis when I was younger. Instead of going to a store, she’d purchase through a person. Purchasers are going to buy things anyway, why not let them purchase through you!? With affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers, most of the success happens mentally first! Not when you post links online.


Amway has a crap ton of products that the average affiliate networks do not have, plus you have an opportunity to grow a business team and make even more profits. Don’t limit yourself! Always keep your head on the swivel for how you can fill any weak gaps with an affiliate network.




find products that you use as internet tools

We just finished talking about products that you use on an everyday basis. Now let’s be real. You’re here on the internet whether it is by phone or computer or ipad…whatever. If you’re looking to make money online, chances are that you took a small stab at trying to do this before at some point.


You either took a course about internet marketing at one time, you saw a video and tested a few methods, or you’re trying to scale with the money that you’ve already made. No matter what your situation is in the experience of affiliate marketing, you are somewhat knowledgeable with tools on the internet.


affiliate marketing for beginners


You’re able to make big profits from these tools. Below are a few examples of tools that I use nearly everyday. And guess what!?!? They have affiliate programs!


Facebook Ads courses and Other courses

I can’t tell you how much training I’ve done on Facebook Ads, but I can tell you that I have spent tons of hours and a boatload of money on courses. This has been something I’ve been perfecting for many years now. The courses I’ve take are considered high-ticket items.


Since I revert back to the training so often, I consider them to be courses. What type of courses are you taking or have taken in the past? If they have affiliate programs, you need to get a link for them ASAP! I purposely create success stories and testimonials that have resulted from my courses. Why do I do that? Because your testimonial shows others that they can do it too! They will then purchase the very thing that gave you results. Here are some courses and their links below.  


Flourish With Facebook Ads – Monica Louie

This course has been phenomenal as it has been teaching me how to get traffic to my blog posts and get cheap optins for my facebook campaigns. I’ve even used many of the techniques in my Facebook Marketing campaigns for clients for my consulting company. She does group calls and is very hands on.


Making Sense of Affiliate MarketingMichelle Schroeder-Gardner

Michelle at the time of releasing this course was making $100,000 PER MONTH on her blog with affiliate marketing. Turn your hobby into passive income.


Profitable BloggingChelsea HerPaperRoute.com

The first premium blogging course that I purchased to begin my path to passive income greatness. This got me along the right path so that I could build a strong foundation so I can build upon it. Tons of great information about getting your first sales with affiliate products, tons of affiliate resources, and tons more.


Inbox Blueprint – Anik Singal

This is one of the first internet marketing programs that I ever purchased and still used to this day. This will help you grow to 6 figures easily if you take this course seriously. It’s impossible to not see results with this program.


There are many internet tools that you may use all of the time but the thought of making money from it has never crossed your mind! When it comes to affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers, you need to be aware every way to make profits. Other internet tools that I currently have and use, that have affiliate programs are as follows:



– As mentioned earlier, sign up for the Amazon Associates program. Any book or ebook that you have read and would recommend to someone, find it on Amazon and get the affiliate link. Then send traffic to it.




– Aweber



– I use this as a tool to help schedule my appts with prospects on auto-pilot.


Get affiliate links and Recommend those tools

I gave you some ideas that I implement in my business, now it’s time for you to see what you can implement in YOUR business! Look at everything that you have, own, and use and see if there is an affiliate program that offers it. Grab those affiliate links and place them in a spreadsheet so you can just copy and paste them within your promotions.


Since you have experience with the things that you’re finding affiliate links for, your testimonials and your recommendations will be what COMPELS an individual to take action and purchase the tools that you’re recommending. This way, you don’t have to feel like you’re selling anything. Affiliate marketing doesn’t have to feel “icky or slimmy” as Kendrick Shope would say.


I listen to a gentleman that is a professional speaker named Bill Johnson. He teaches something called The Power of the Testimony. He brings people up on the stage to give testimonies of what happened in their lives. When the audience hears these things, some of the same manifestations that happened in the life of the person on the stage giving the testimony, happens in the lives of the audience.


According to Bill Johnson, the word testimony in it’s Greek origin means “to do it again”. When you give your testimonials and recommendations and reviews, you’re telling your audience that if you can create success, they have the ability  “to do it again”.


Promote and Collect your check!

It’s time to get paid! That’s what we’re doing this for right? We’re not just researching and putting all of this thought into action just for fun. We’re here to get paid! This is the best part in affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers.


In the blog post Top 3 Ways To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing, I give you 3 methods that you can put into action and make money online TODAY. Just like every things else that I’ve provided, that article is designed to help propel those interested in affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers looking to make a consistent income.


This seems like the perfect place to make a little disclaimer: If you don’t put in the work, you will get the same results that you put in.


Sure, you may be in grind mode in the beginning to get things off of the ground. Sometimes it takes a while to see the success. But if you put in the work now, your business can work for you, later. Then you can relax.


Let’s change up the gears a little bit. Here’s a few practical action-steps to promoting your affiliate links so that you can get paid:


-Place a signature at the bottom of your email with 2-3 affiliate links


-Choose 1 to 2 methods from the Top 3 Ways To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing blog post that I mentioned above, and go all in for 30 days, along with everything in this blog post.


-Get involved in forums and Facebook groups and promote affiliate links about products that you use


-Check your dashboard of the platform where you have your affiliate links from ONCE a week. Don’t check it every day or 5 times a day. Save yourself stress and time.


-If you’re ambitious like me, make a blog showing your journey in affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers to see your progress.


-Lastly, give me a holler when you have made some commissions whether it is $.99 or $99! I want to hear your testimonial!



If you follow these 4 simple steps that we just walked through, I promise you that you’re giving yourself an excellent chance of generating some good money online. I do this every day. Sometimes I’m lazy and sometimes I’m intentional. When I’m intentional, I am far more successful as opposed to being lazy. The moral of me telling you this…DON’T BE LAZY!


Implementation in affiliate marketing for beginners and struggling affiliate marketers is key when it comes to make consistent commissions. Value this information of what I’m telling you. It has worked for me and it can work for you.There’s my testimony! Now go do it again.



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