How to follow-thru in your business like a pro & get real results tomorrow

In sports, the term “follow-thru” is related to the form of the action in the particular sport that is being played. In American Football, a quarter back throws a football. He has to have a special form to throw a “spiral” which is a perfect pass. Steph Curry who plays for the Championship team, Golden State Warriors has perfect form with his basketball shot. Another would for a person’s form is follow-thru. When you practice following thru, you get repeatable, great consistent results, day in and day out.

Regardless of what business market or niche you may be in, you must learn how to “follow-thru”. But I’m not talking about a basketball shot, a football throw, or kicking a soccer ball. I’m talking about following through with action when instructions are given to you by someone who has already “been-there and done-that”, so you can produce a big outcome.

In my blog postHow I Almost Quit…To Making $10,000 In 30 Days“, I mentioned how I tried closing my first real estate deal for $10,000 in 2 weeks after I had been trying to do this on my own for 2 years. The difference maker was having a coach that had the experience. My coach saw what I was doing wrong, he fixed my mechanics, and he then gave me the solution. Before you know it, I close my first deal for more money then I could ever imagine.

dog money


You may have been trying to breakthrough into different levels of success with your business, and you just can’t seem to do it on your own. Have you spent tons of money only to find yourself at a dead end AGAIN! Tired of buying course after course, only to realize that you need is not in that or course or you have to buy the next best course to find out what you really need? I feel your pain. I’ve been there. As a matter of fact, I’ve paid $1,000s for one program, couldn’t produce the outcome, and ended having my lights at my house cut off. Needless to say, my wife wasn’t happy with me that night. That was one of the most humbling experiences I ever had in my life. More on that later.

To avoid 2-3 years of trial and error in your business ventures, I will tell you a secret that I learned the hard way and it cost me a ton of money to find out. The secret is, GET A COACH! That’s right, find you a coach who has completed what you’re looking to conquer.

“Antonio, how do I find a coach?” You may ask?

Unfortunately, in today’s time and with the invention of social media, almost everyone you see is trying to be some type of coach. There’s a lot of fakes and frauds out there, but there a plenty legit coaches with integrity as well. I once heard a preacher by the name of Bill Johnson say “Many pastors are so scared and try to find the Judas, but the mistake is that you forget about Peter and Paul.”

In other words, many people are looking for the bad people, which is what I like to call sharks. But in time you wasted looking for all of the bad people and trying to avoid them, you lost focus of the individuals that can radically change your life. Every person isn’t out to harm or take advantage of you.

Find someone that has what you’re looking to accomplish. I’m not saying that you have to find a millionaire. There are plenty of people who have it niche in helping small businesses to get off the ground quickly to make a solid 6 figures. You don’t have to go straight to 7 figures. Start small. After find someone who you think you can trust, research them a little bit. See if they have videos on Youtube. See if they posted content on any other social media like Facebook or Twitter. I was interested in something and I was interested in a particular coach. When I researched him, I found that he curses a lot, parties and drinks a lot, and he had no value for other people’s opinion. I instantly knew he wasn’t someone that I wanted to work with.

I like to work with people who have character and integrity. Some people do not care about that. I, on the other hand do care. I know that if I can trust your integrity and character, money will not be the reason that decisions are made from a person. What values do you want in a coach? You may not care a bout character, you may just want to make money! That’s ok! You know what you want and what you’re willing to do to get it. That’s just not me.



After you find that person, contact them and see what programs they have so you can work one on one with them. Some my not have exclusive programs but instead, they may have group coaching programs. If there is a live event, try your hardest to go the live events. Try to get in front of the person anyway you can. If they don’t offer coaching, send an email and see if they’d be willing to make an exception for you! Don’t take no for an answer. Don’t say I can’t, but rather, say how can I.

After you find the coach, take every word from that person like it’s religion. I’m not trying to be blasphemous in saying that, but that’s how serious I want you to take your coaching. You need to take it seriously because you have to MASTER the very thing that is being taught in order to get the expected outcome. If you want to master something, that means you have to create a habit of CONSISTENCY.

Create a plan for 30-60 days and stick with it. Don’t deviate from it! You’re cheating yourself from real results when you don’t stick with it for a period of time. When I closed my deals for $10,000 in 2 weeks, it wasn’t anything different as far as technique, or a method. I placed out bandit signs before. Many times! I even paid others to do it for me. However, I was never consistent at the practice of doing it. I’d place signs out for a day or two, and then I’d wait another week before putting out more.

When it came to internet marketing, I created 2 programs that never really launched correctly. I saw small profits but nothing that did any damage. My coach told me to keep at it, and he showed me how to tweak what I was doing to make a more solid product. I then followed what he said, and the product was good enough do a JV (Joint Venture) with him on my next launch! 10-20 units turned into 300+ units sold! Consistency.

If you’re at a standstill in your business or perhaps you haven’t started a business, and you’re stuck with just an idea, you can get unstuck very quickly. Sometimes it just takes 30 min or so to speak with someone about the things you’re having a hard time with to get you moving in the right direction. Even if you’ve been in business for a while, and you’re trying to think of a new way of developing another stream of income, having another perspective from someone else can be exactly what you need.

I made this website to help others who are using the avenues of entrepreneurship to reach the goals that is desired. Will my tools and knowledge, I have my doors open to you for questions in wholesaling real estate, rehabbing real estate, growing a business with Facebook ads and social media,product launches, and product creation. I place all of this under the umbrella of business consultation.

If you’re looking to make a power move in the next 30 days, I will do a phone consultation with you to help you gameplan and strategize your next move. Begin to take the steps necessary so that you can jump ahead 2-3 years in your business success.

For a limited time, I’m offering an hour phone consultation where you have the chance to gameplan with me about your business’s next moves. I will see where you can improve on certain things, and I will give my recommendations from my areas of expertise, as to how you can accomplish your goals. Whether you want to close your first real estate wholesale deal this year,or you want to launch your first digital product, or maybe grow your business with Facebook ads, I can help.

If I can get you along the right direction and get you results, how much is that worth to you?

Right now that there are tons of people charging literally thousands of dollars for an hour of their time. I’m not kidding. But if that person can show you how to make a million dollars in that time frame of an hour, how much is it worth to you?

For an hour with me, I’m only charging $97 for an hour. No upsells, no downsells, just $97.

60 Min Phone Consultation(1)

We will schedule an appt, I will personally call you and then we can chat so we can hash out a custom gameplan for you. If that  sounds good for you, Click here to begin. I look forward to talking with you soon!

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