where to buy good solo ads for website traffic

Where Do I Buy GOOD Solo Ads For BEST Website traffic?

Where do I go to pay for the best website traffic!? I asked this question a billion times myself. I spent the amount of what felt like a billion and lost all of it as well (it was only just a couple $100, but it was all I had so it felt like a billion lol).


Without a mentor, the only way to learn was to jump in and learn from my mistakes. I don’t recommend others doing the same thing, but what else was I supposed to do?!? So now, I’m here to give you a helping hand to find a profitable and reputable solo ad vendor to generate website traffic for your offers. This goes for any niche.


Before I spill the beans, I mentioned in my blog post 3 ways to drive high traffic to affiliate offers that will bring purchasing customers every time, I gave a word of warning to those interested in Solo Ads. Paid website traffic is the best traffic, but you can lose a lot of money if you don’t know what you’re doing…but even if you do it partially correct, you can make good money and create a well-greased money-machine. In order to do this, you have to do a little research. Let’s go from easy, and then to harder…


The first thing I want you to do is go on Facebook and do a search for solo ads.

solo ad search

As you will see there are a good number of groups out there. These are marketers that spend their life growing their lists so that you can send your product offers to them. Prices of their services will vary based up their quality of clicks, sales, and speed, but they are generally reasonable in price.


Join a few groups find someone in your niche to buy solos from. Don’t know who to buy from? Find the person that everyone else is giving great testimonials about. Find that person and research them a tad bit. After you find the person you like, contact them so that you can make your order.


Depending on the group you join, Facebook doesn’t always deliver the most quality in Solo Ads. Although you may be paying .35 per click, there might not be any buyers. What good are customers if they don’t want to buy? This is why some people to buy from certain Facebook groups (there are many solid Solo Ad vendors out there, you just have to find what you’re looking for), and so what they do is go to other means for quality clicks.


Go to google and type in Solo Ads + {your niche}. You will get a list of people who’s business is strictly for solo ads. Feel free to click on their website and see if they are legit or not. Just like the Facebook groups, find someone you think you can trust in, and email them. Ask questions about their list so you can get the most bang for your buck.

solo ad google search

If you have a niche that may not have any solo ad vendors, you can google the following: {your niche} blog. You will get a list of blogs within your niche and you can contact the owners of these blogs to see if you can do some solo ads with them. These can be gold mines because the typical marketer will not know about some of these blog owners that have a list that has never been touched. As a matter of fact, some of the blog owners will not know what solo ads are! They will be excited to know that they can make money from simply sending an email for you. You can get more quality clicks for a lot cheaper this way.


Questions to ask your solo Ads Vendor Prospect:

First you have to ask if they either do solo ads or if they’d be interested. If yes, then you move along with the following:

-How many active subscribers do you have?

-How often do you mail Solo Ads?

-What is your average email open rate?

-How much do you charge for Solo Ads?

-When is the next available slot?

-How can I submit my Solo Ad with you

To really understand the anatomy of solo ads and how to maximize every dollar spent, you can check out Anik Singal’s Inbox Blueprint. It’s how I got started. This program along with the blog post really caters more to email marketing, but it is still considered to be website traffic.


A strong word of warning here…if you’re not serious into making killer profits, Anik Singal is not for you. At times he can be pricey, but his programs are extremely efficient and packed full of great content. They’re set up to bring forth big profits. Warning done.


If you have any questions regarding purchasing Solo Ads or website traffic for your niche, feel free to contact me! I love to answer questions! Don’t forget to check out the my blog on the 3 ways to drive high traffic to affiliate offers .

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