Always Keep A Database and Follow Up

followupToday, I received an unexpected phone call from someone that I have not spoken to in a year. He showed me his property last year in hopes of selling. After I drove over there and looked at the property, he was not yet ready to sell. He simply owed way more than the property was worth and wanted too much for the property.

Fast forward to the present…a year later. Would you believe that he wants to have another phone call tomorrow about possibly selling his house!?!? He has been making payments and is asking for a lesser amount on the house. It is closer to the price range that I need it to be in order to make a deal with him. I will still have to do some more negotiating to get his price down a little bit, but guess what, he’s now a motivated seller. He is sick of his property.

I kept his number and we stayed in touch because I knew that he didn’t want to continue to rent to tenants. He had previously mentioned that in our first conversation. I already have my comps and I had already built a relationship with him. All of this happened because I kept him in my database and he’s been fresh in my mind. Jamel Gibbs always talks about the power behind the follow-up with a motivated seller. Keep your databases updated.

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